Dear Parent/Guardian,

We are excited to have you and your students join us. The information on the following pages is required to begin the registration process.

Once enrolled, your child will be entering an educational atmosphere that will prepare them for life. We provide an environment where caring individuals help students experience, explore and cultivate success in learning. Parents are encouraged to be involved by volunteering during the school day and helping with after school events. You are welcome to follow all of the exciting activities on our Facebook page and twitter. You can find the links below on our website at
We look forward to seeing you in the halls and we thank you for choosing our school .

Ihsan Yaseen​​

Step 1: Complete the​​ Enrollment forms:

​Health Forms:

Before and after School hours form:

​​Our School hours are 8:30 am - 4:00 pm Monday through Thursday and 8:30 am- 12:45 pm Fridays.
Before and after School program is available, please refer to the parents handbook or call 515-255-0220 for more details.

​Your child will be taken to the community room 4:10 pm if he/she is not picked up on time and extra fees will apply if your child is not registered in the before or after school program.

To download the form please click here​

Step 2: Submit your child’s Physical health & immunization record with the required immunization​​

​​Iowa law requires a parent to verify proper immunization against Diphtheria, Tetanus, Pertussis, Polio, Measles, Mumps, Rubella, Hepatitis B and Varicella to enroll in school. At least one dose of each immunization must be given before starting
​​​school. Please call our office with any health concerns about your student. You may fax any medical releases, medication​​​​n permission forms, or physical education

​​​​​Step 3: Submit a Proof of Age document

​​Proof of age is required for all new students. In Iowa, a child must be five years old on or before September 15 of the year he or she starts school in order to enroll in kindergarten. Proof of age is requested at Kindergarten Roundup and required prior to the start of school. For students in grades one through 12, proof is also required before your child can start attending school.

Several options are acceptable:

•A hospital birth certificate
•A passport
•Adoption papers
•A certificate obtained from the county the child was born.
•For Polk County: Polk County Recorder’s Office, 111 Court Ave., Room 245, Des Moines, IA 50309-2251; Phone: 286-3781; Cost is $15
•A state certificate can be obtained from: Iowa Vital Records Bureau, Lucas State Office Building 321 E. 12th, Des Moines, IA 50319; Phone: 281-4944; Cost is $15

​​Step 4: Read and sign Parents handbook and Contract forms

Upon enrollment; you will be asked to read and sign the students/parents handbook to ensure understanding of our policies and procedures. Signed contract is required. The administrator/director will discuss that with you.